Google may be launching it’s AI fitness assistance, Google Coach

How many of us have felt extra motivated after binge eating 6 cup cakes in one go and hence installed some best fitness apps, only to never once use it again. Am I the only one who is raising her hand? These apps do send notifications daily but the only workout those reminders make me… Continue reading Google may be launching it’s AI fitness assistance, Google Coach

Does green tea actually help in reducing weight? – Myth debunked!

Green tea has to be rightfully the healthiest beverage in the world. There is no drink that can benefit your health as much as green tea does. It’s antioxidant nature, the fact that it makes one feel refreshed and active after consuming and its most prominent health benefit AKA weight reducing nature have definitely bagged… Continue reading Does green tea actually help in reducing weight? – Myth debunked!

WHO Listed ‘Addiction To Gaming’ In The List Of Health Disorders!

The World Health Organization has thrown a news that has now managed to grab everyone’s attention from last few days. The internationally acclaimed health organization just published the latest draft of its updated International Classification of Diseases manual and guess what? ‘Gaming disorder’ is listed below in the international manual. While residing in a technology… Continue reading WHO Listed ‘Addiction To Gaming’ In The List Of Health Disorders!