General Elections: Facebook will allow only verified advertisers to place the political ad on its platform

source: The Hill

In the wake of Cambridge Analytica Scandal, when more than 50 million Facebook users’ data was accessed illegally, due to previous US elections, the social media platform suffered big time.     In order to avoid any more lawsuits, blames and controversies, Facebook’s CEO is ready to take all measures to keep general elections safe… Continue reading General Elections: Facebook will allow only verified advertisers to place the political ad on its platform

Squash comes home: Pakistan will Host Unlimited Squash Tournaments in its three main cities!

source: House Of Pakistan

So far 2018 has been one amazing year for Pakistan in the sports point of view. First, we had a successful Pakistan Super League’s third edition, with semi-Final and Final posted by the two big cities, Lahore and Karachi, respectively. Here’s the good news for all the Pakistan squash lovers and fans. Then on Sunday,… Continue reading Squash comes home: Pakistan will Host Unlimited Squash Tournaments in its three main cities!